Thursday, 16 April 2020

Google Hangout for Room 7 tomorrow

Our first Google Hangout will be tomorrow (Friday) at 10am

Please check your email for instructions on how to join the meeting.

Here are our meeting expectations, please read them carefully:

I can't wait to see you all !


  1. Hi my name is Christian and how are we supposed to chat with a mic. But it will fun meeting everyone again for nearly 4 weeks SEE YOU GUYS PEACE!!!!!😎😎😎

  2. I hope the hangout went well! I liked the Manaakitanga reminders about how to Hangout in a respectable way. I'll remember to do all those things when I pop in and say 'Hi' next week! Happy home learning Room 7.

  3. I will not forget it is at 10:00 in the morning I will not for get
    bye Mikayla


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