Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Sound Ponder #2


  1. hi ms judd from home im Byesion and the loudest thing I have ever heard is Christian screaming in my ear when i was year 4 and down to yr 2. Because if you have ever heard someone scream in your ear its basiclly as if someone planted a Megaphone in your brain and started shouting lalalala over and over again. That's all for my blog post and bye

    1. Hi Byesion, that loud noise has obviously left a strong impression on your memory!! I hope your ears have recovered. Have you ever had a hearing test? If so, what did they do? bye : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Matilda here.
    The loudest thing that I have ever heard was when I was about 7 years old and I accidentally turned the radio up to full. It was so loud that I sprinted outside with my hands over my head. What's the loudest thing that you have heard this month?
    Bye, Matilda

    1. Hi Matilda. Yikes! That would have been very scary for you. Sudden loud noises are pretty much my least favourite thing. I like the way you asked what the loudest thing I've heard this month is. I've had to think hard about that and my answer would be... Recently I heard torrents of rain falling late in the night. The noise was so loud, it woke me up! bye : )

  4. Hi Ms. Judd,
    I'm Franny!
    The loudest thing I've heard is the door slamming in my face or my dog barking at me.
    Bye, Franny!
    (Oh, I've already done that joke.)
    P.S Do you have a dog? If not, what is the loudest animal you've heard?

  5. Hi my name is Wilbur, and I am from Room 7. The loudest thing I probably heard is when a train stops and it makes a loud and awful noise. What is your favourite vehicle? πŸ”πŸ˜

  6. Hi I'm Teddy and I'm from Room 7. The loudest thing I have heard is a motorbike whiz past my ear.
    What is the loudest thing you have ever heard?

    1. hi Teddy, yes you are right sometimes motorbikes really whiz past. Can you imagine what it might sound like at a Grand Prix when all the Formula One cars race by? bye : )

  7. Hi my name is Ethan. The loudest thing I have ever heard was my sister screaming. What was your loudest thing you have ever heard? Blog you later bye😎

    1. Hi Ethan, There are a lot of comments about younger siblings being the loudest thing people have heard. Can you count how many comments on this post mention loud younger siblings? Also, why don't you find my reply to Niamh and you'll find out what the loudest thing I ever heard is. bye : )

  8. Kia Ora my name is Ebad, the loudest thing I have ever heard was my whole family saying happpy birthday as loud as they can. My ears were red and the pop strings they pulled were also loud. My ears were shattered but I had a good time. That's it, good bye πŸ‘πŸ˜

    1. Hi Ebad, that sounds like a really fun 'loudest memory'. How old were you turning? bye : )

  9. Hi Room 7 it's William. The loudest thing I have ever heard is Alex screaming when I accidentally hurt him. If you are reading this Alex I'm sorry but you are sometimes very loud. Blog you later!

    1. Hi William, it's never too late to apologise!! There are a lot of comments about younger siblings being the loudest thing people have heard. Can you count how many comments on this post mention loud younger siblings? bye : )

  10. Kia ora Ms Judd, ted here. The loudest thing I've have heard is my little sister crying in my ear. What is `your least favourite animal sound . Blog you laterπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ‘

    1. Hi Ted, I don't really like the sound of possums screeching at night when I am camping. By the way, are you calling your little sister an animal? bye : )

  11. Hello Miss Judd,
    The loudest thing I ever heard was when somebody screamed in my ear I forgot who it was! The 2ed loudest thing was when somebody shouted into there mic on a goggle hangout's I once had! What is the loudest thing you have every heard?
    Blog you later,

    1. Hi Lila, yes microphones can amplify the volume to very high levels. It can be especially uncomfortable if you are wearing headphones, which you may have been on your Google Hangout. Why don't you look for my comment to Niamh for my loudest sound memory. bye : )

  12. Hi miss Judd! Niamh from your class here! The loudest thing I ever heard was my sister screaming st the top of her lungs because she was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry with me or my parents. what was the loudest thing you ever heard?

    Blog ya later!

    1. Hi Niamh, I was once at a concert outside at the Domain and they played the 1812 Overture which ends with cannon fire. They used a real tank from the army and when the shots rang out over the park - it was VERY loud and quite scary too - even though we knew the shots were blanks and couldn't hurt us. bye : )

  13. Hi Ms Judd is Carlos. the the loudest thing i have sound is my sister stubbing her toe screaming ByeπŸ‘Š

    1. Hi Carlos, Ouch that really hurts! I can understand why your sister was so loud. Isn't it amazing how loud small children can be?! bye : )

  14. Hi Miss Judd Mikayla here so I have heard a lot of loud things like my puppy barking, my sister screaming in my ear, when my brother says that there is a good song on and then I put the headphones on and he put it to the loudest it can go, but that is not the loudest I have heard. The loudest thing I have heard is Disco music, it is a wild sound😦 in there oh well see ya next time

    1. I'm looking forward to the disco too Mikayla - I hope it's not too, too loud though! bye : )

  15. Hi my name is J'varn.
    The loudest thing I have heard is when my baby cousin cry's. What the loudest thing have you heard?

    1. Hi J'Varn, another comment about a VERY loud family member ; ) Why don't you find my reply to Niamh and you'll discover what the loudest thing I ever heard is. Also, if you check my reply to Matilda you'll find out what the loudest thing I've heard this month is. bye : )

  16. Hi my name is Daerue,i know the sound but if you put your head on your table you can hear a loud noise.

    1. Hi Daerue, The experiment about whether sound is louder when it travels through a solid or through the air was fun! Did you think the knocking would be louder when you put your ear on the desk and knocked? bye : )


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