Thursday 29 October 2020

Would You Rather... #2



  1. Hello R7, I would rather be the fastest person in the world because I could run away from all the strong people. Blog you later!

  2. Hi my name is Ethan.
    I would rather be the fastest person in the world because I am quite strong already. Blog you later.

  3. Hello Megan, Matilda here.
    I would rather be the fastest person in the world because I would be able to swim really fast and because I want to be a marine archaeologist it would be really helpful. If I ran on the dry ground I would burn up so I would use it to swim really fast and beat Michael Phelps.
    Bye, Matilda.

  4. Kia ora Ms Judd, this is Lila from room 7 (aka the best class in the world). I would rather be the fastest person in the world so I can run very fast & I will win all the athletics races! Would you rather be stronger or faster?
    Check out my blog
    Lila out🐹

  5. Hi Miss Judd, Ted here form your class. I would rather be the Fastest Person in the world because I could run to the ball in Soccer and I could run from all the bully's and mean people. Blog ya later

  6. Hi Room 7,
    I would be neither. Both have pros and cons.
    Fastest -
    Pros: You'd win athletics and you could get things really quickly.
    Cons: You might not want to go fast every time, if you could control it it'd be good.
    Strongest -
    Pros: If you could lift cars and stuff it would be handy.
    Cons: You could crush stuff accidentally.
    Having both would be good if you could control both.
    Bye, Franny

  7. Hello Megan!!!🐾😜
    I think I would want to be the fast's person in the world is because if you were the storgest person it the world then it would be hard to play games like soccer you need to be faster or octopus and more and if I was in the fastest person in the world if I was going to be late for school boom!! I am there. What would you be??? Blog you later!!!

  8. Kia ora miss Judd I would choose fast so I could run away from my annoying brothers.What would you choose?
    Blog you later

  9. Hi my name is Teddy, and I think I would be the fastest, because I would be so fast. When I play soccer and the ball rolls away, I would run and get the ball.
    What would you be?
    Blog you later!!!

  10. Hey bloggers!
    So today, I would be fast.
    Why? Because is you could be fast you could be in races and get awards! But if I was fast I reckon I could not beat Bolt! And also because I would love to swim faster, run faster and other stuff!
    Before I go please: CLICK HERE!
    Blog you later!
    - Rose

  11. Kia Ora Megan!!!! I think I would rather be the fastest person in the world because then I would no humiliate myself for being one of the slowest people in the class and also I might be able to travel in time if I go fast enough(I'll also not be late for school much).
    which one would you be???
    Blog ya later!!

  12. Hi room 7 this is Carlos. I will be the Strongest in the world because I will have strong legs. That will make me jump high and i will be able to pick rocks up And throwπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.blog ya laterπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  13. Kia Orana my name is Christian, I would be the strongest person in the world because you can lift up things and be a great player at Rugby. Even though I'm slow but I can be so hard to be tackled. Aere Ra Goodbye!!!!

  14. Ebad, here I will rather be the fastest person so I can run away from the strong people. But having super strength has a big disadvantage the disadvantage. Is everthing u touch it will brake because of your strength. So I would choose super speed u should too so you can run away from the strong people.

  15. Hi my name is Byesion and I would more than likely want to be the strongest person. this is because technically if your the fastest person in the world usain bolt the legend. he runs at least 27 km a hour which means you would probably be around 40 km an hour. now that is really fast. if your the strongest person then that would mean I would finally be able to open the pickle jar in my fridge. it's really nice to be able to open a pickle jar.That's my answer BYE!!!

  16. Hi my name is Levi from your classroom. I want to be the strongest in the in the world because i so fast already. i kind of strongest. bye see you later

  17. Hello, Wilbur here. If I could be either the strongest or the fastest in the world I would probably be the fastest in the world. I would be the fastest because I could run past every one in soccer when I have the ball and I would would probably like cross country (Cause I don't like cross country now) and I would win all the cross country races. What would you choose? Blog u later

  18. Hi Megan!
    I would be the fastest person in the world because I could be first in cross country and I could win lots of races. Plus when you are the strongest person in the world you would not be that good at games like octopus, bump, soccer, ect because you are not that fast and you would just be tagged. Also if I am about to be late I can just zoom there and be on time. I wish I was the fastest person on earth. What would you like to be if you had the choice?

  19. hi miss it's Daerue here.i be the fast and invisible also strongest because i'll be unstoppable to beat.being the fastest person in the world

  20. Hi Myiah here
    I rather be the fastest person in the world because if my mum and dad is in a car crash i will be there in time!
    Blog you later!
    - Miyah
    MY BLOG!


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