Thursday 12 November 2020

Would you rather...#4



  1. Hello Megan, Matilda here.
    I would rather be able to go under water because we know more about the depths of outer space than we do the bottom of our oceans so that's why I would like to be able to go under water. What would you like?
    Bye, Matilda.

  2. Hi R7, I would rather have a car that can fly so I can enjoy the view and fly to football games! I wouldn't like to have a car that can go underwater because I could kill lots of creatures. But if I went high in the sky there probably wouldn't be many animals in the sky.
    Blog you later!

  3. Hi miss Judd. I would pick to have a flying car because you could see beautiful views and you could do flips and tricks in the air. But with being under the water you might kill the fish by running over them and then there will be less fish. Blog ya later

  4. Hi my name is Teddy and I think I would go in the sky because I could see football games.
    I think if I went underwater I could destroy the nature and the fish.
    But in the sky there less animals.
    What would you do?
    Blog you later

  5. Hi my name is Ethan.
    I would rather have a flying car because you could just drive over traffic so you will never be late for school or any other things you need to drive to.
    What would you chose? Blog you later.

  6. Hi Ms Judd,
    I would rather have a flying car for two reasons.
    One - I could pretend to be like Ron and Harry in the flying car in Harry Potter.
    Two - Just imagine soaring in the sky, looking at the wonderful sights below you without having to pay anything!
    It would be a peaceful spot to read or have dinner and I would meditate up there.
    How far would you like to go? I would like to go where there is no gravity because I always wanted to.
    Bye, FrannyπŸ¦₯🦦

  7. Kia Ora Ebad, here I would choose a flying car because, so I can fly anywhere I want. Without paying money if I choose the underwater car I dont know if it would be able to withstand a sharkbite. so I going to pick the flying car goodbye.

  8. Hello Megan!!!🐾😜 It is Mikayla from your class room!!!
    I would have a flying car I have a lot of reasons......
    I could be early or just on time to something I need to be at.
    I could skip all the traffic some times that can take forever.
    I do not have to go on plans so it is kind of like a free ride.
    That is all my reasons!!! What would you rather do a under water car or a flying car??? Blog you later!!!

  9. Hello Megan! Niamh here!
    I think I would do an underwater car, because if I accidentally lost control of my car and fell into the sea, river or pond then I would not drown and my car would not leak.
    what would you have?
    Blog ya later!

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  11. Hello, Wilbur here. If I could choose out of having a car that that can fly or a car that can go under water I would probably choose a car that could fly. I would choose a car that can fly because I would basically get a free trip to places and if I choose a car that can go under water, there are is a bigger chance of crashing the car then a car that can fly. BUT.... I can drive so I would have to wait a lllllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg time until I can drive so that would be a shame. What would you choose? Blog u later.

  12. Hey bloggers!
    Rose here. If I had to choose choose between a flying and a car that can drive under the car I would choose a flying car because I could travel to other country's and if I need to go pick up something and I'm in a rush I could fly over there and pick it up! But if I choose to have a car that can drive in the ocean I would use it to discover undiscovered sea animals!
    But before I go: CLICK HERE!!!
    Later bloggers!
    - Rose

  13. Hi I am Lila from your class!
    I would rather have a flying car because I don't need to ever pay for a plane ticket again! I would also like to fly so then I could hit all the pigeons and they will never be seen again! Which would you rather have?
    Check out my blog
    Lila out🐹

  14. Hello this is Carlos in room 7. I would rather be able to go under water because you can discover new types of fish And also you can go to different country.
    here,s some tips watch out for sharks. bye

  15. Hi my name is Levi from room 7. I would have a car that go underwater because I can travel Arundel

  16. hi there my name is Daerue. I would have a car that could fly so i don't have to pay money to go to country to country.bye now hope you make some more

    1. Kia Ora Daerue, I would love to travel to lots of countries as well. It is really interesting to see how people live in different places. bye : )

  17. Hi Ms.Judd. It's Byesion and I would rather go underwater with a car. This is because the underwater world has been explored but only at a small percentage. Around 5%. the ocean is already known for a lot of unique sea creatures. there is probably more fishies than humans even when you X by 100! Another reason is I've always wanted to see whats at the challenger deep because 1 or 2 lucky people are the first and only to reach it! That's all BYE!!!

    1. Kia ora Byesion, what a thoughtful and well reasoned answer. I remember when we looked at that website that showed all the levels beneath the sea and what creatures lived where. I think I would find it too claustrophobic to journey down that far in a car but I love learning about it. bye : )

  18. Hi my name is Christian and my class is Room 7. I would have a flying car because I can watch any sports. Even though I can't see the rugby players playing against the other players in like 1,000 feet. But I can just land on the stadium and watch it on the big board of the gameplay. No one would bother me up in the sky. Bye

  19. Hi Ms Judd, Myiah here from your class!
    I would rather have a flying car because I will be able to feel the fresh air in the sky! What would you rather do?
    Bye, Myiah

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  21. Kia ora miss Judd J'varn here from your class. I would do fly car so then I could go anywhere. I would go to a soccer game and a baseball game that's why I would choose the fly car.
    Blog you later
    My blog


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