Tuesday 10 August 2021

Philosophical Ponder 3



  1. Gidday Room 7 I think that I am a good friend because I am helpful and kind.
    Why do you think that you are a good friend?
    Blog you later

  2. Hello Tasman here I think i'm a good friend because i am kind to them and fun and listen to them, that is all bye.

  3. Hi Miss Judd.
    I don't really know if I am a good friend, I can't really tell myself if I am a good friend, it is up to my friends to decide if I am a good friend. My friend Kaito said I am a good friend because I am nice and kind so, I think I am a good friend to my friends.
    That is what I think.
    What do you think about your friend?

    Blog Ya LATER!!

  4. Hello Ms Judd, Teddy here. I have no idea if i'm a good friend or not because my friend needs to tell me.
    But Wilbur said I'm a good friend because, I'm funny and kind.
    What do you think?
    Blog u later

  5. Hello!
    I am not sure if I am a good friend because that would be my friends opinion. I think Amy is a good friend because she is funny and kind. But am not sure if am a good friend. I would ask Amy or Rose or someone else that is my friend. Amy is also a good friend because I she likes soccer and I like soccer and it is fun to play soccer with Amy! Amy also said I am a good friend because I am nice and fun to play with also she loves animals.
    What do you think makes a good friend??? Blog you later!!!

  6. Hello Ms Judd, Wilbur here. I can't say if I am a good friend or not, but when I asked Teddy "Am I good friend" he said "Yes" then I said "why" he said "because you are nice". Who is your best friend? Blog u Later!!!

  7. Hello
    Yes I think I am a good friend because I am kind and I make my friends laugh.
    Are you a good friend?
    Rose room 7

  8. Hi Harry here, I think I'm a good friend because when my friend was sad I helped them to feel better and made them happy. Are you a good friend? blog ya later.

  9. Hi Ms Judd J'varn here. I think to be a good friend is to probably be funny and fun to hangout with and probably not to annoy them when they are down and to be kind, and to listen to them. How do you think you can be a good friend?
    Blog you later

  10. Kia Ora Ms Judd Jed here,
    I don't know if I am a good friend or not. I will say three qualities that a good friend needs to be are caring, kind and fun.

    Sincerely Jed.`

  11. Hi Miss Judd. I don't know if I am a good friend or not. But what Antonio said is: "Yes, You are a great friend!" So I am assuming that I am a good friend. To be honest I think that it is up to my friends to decide If I am a good friend or not.
    How many friends do you have?

  12. Kia Ora Room 7,

    I don't really know if I'm a good friend but sometimes I let my friends have there own opinion and to be a good friend is to be kind, caring and fun. I think I'm sorta that.

    Blog ya later!
    Shannon :)

  13. Hi Megan,
    I had no idea so I had to ask my friend Mikayla.
    I needed her opinion because she is my friend and she would know if I am a good friend or not.
    Mikayla is a good friend because she is nice and fun to play with she also loves animals like me.
    She said I was a good friend because I was funny and kind also because we both love to play soocer together.
    Are you a good friend?
    🦴🐢Bye blog you later🦴🐢

  14. Kia Ora Megan,

    I'm not sure if I'm a good friend but some qualities to be a good friend is to patient and listen to them. If they're sad, I can cheer them up! Are you a good friend?

    Blog ya later,
    Lila :)

  15. KIA Ora Megan.
    I think that some quality's of being a good friend πŸ˜€ is... Be good to them,Give them there stuff back and don't snitch on them. I also think that you should also be patience when they are doing something for someone or the teacher. What things do you think are some quality things for being a best friend? blog ya Later

  16. Hi miss Judd Jeremy here and I am a good friend to Harry and Jed because we talk about funny stuff. We sing rap songs and we talk about stuff that doesn't happen often. My other friends Teddy and Wilbur because we play football with them and Kaito and Antonio are friends. Ava and Ajah they are nice to me. Who are your friends? Blog ya later

  17. Hi room 7 my friend is nicolas we are good friends because we like to talk and we listen to each other. are you a good friends

  18. Kia ora Room 7. What an interesting question. Sometimes I don't feel like a good friend because it's hard to stay in touch with all my friends in England. But I think I am a good friend because if they needed me for anything I would be there.


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