Tuesday 21 September 2021

Philosophical Ponder 9



  1. Kia ora room 7. Wow, this is a big one! I can't wait to read all your thoughtful answers. I can't decide between people having to be honest or people having to leave places better than how they found them (so basically looking after the environment better). Maybe your ideas will help me choose...

  2. Hi miss Judd, Libby here. my one rule that everyone would have to follow would be, that no one can ever give me pumpkin to eat! IT IS disgusting!!!
    blog you later!

    1. Kia ora Libby, Yikes, you have made your dislike of pumpkin VERY clear! What vegetables would be acceptable? Blog you later, Megan : )

  3. Hi Miss Judd.
    I think this is a good rule that me and Kaito would like, unlimited Robux for me and him. That is a good rule right?
    What do you think?

    Blog Ya LATER!!

    1. Kia ora Antonio, do you think if you had unlimited Robux you would still find the game fun? Isn't some of the fun having to play the game to make the money? Blog you later, Megan : )

  4. Kia Ora Ms Judd
    It's me Justus,
    I think a good rule is no bullying in the whole wide world because some kids actually get bullied very bad and have to home school.
    Do you agree with me?

    1. Nice idea Justus. Do you think if there was a big positive rule like 'always be kind' then we wouldn't have to worry about bullying?

    2. Kia ora Justus, Perhaps if we had a rule that asked people to treat others as they would like to be treated then there would be less bullying in the world. What do you think? blog you later, Megan : )

  5. KIA Ora Megan, πŸ‰ZejmπŸ‰ here.
    I think that if I could choose one rule for people is not to tell anyone else about another person's business. If you had one rule for everybody what would it be? Blog ya Later Megan:) πŸ‰ZejmπŸ‰:)

    1. Kia ora Zejm, I think you mean a good rule would be not to gossip about others. Is that what you meant? If I had one rule I think it would be that everyone should try their best and to keep trying new things. Blog you later, Megan : )

  6. Hi Megan, I think that the one rule I would love (especially gamers) is unlimited robux!!!!!

    1. Kia ora Kaito, do you think if you had unlimited Robux you would still find the game fun? Isn't some of the fun having to play the game to make the money? Blog you later, Megan : )

  7. Hi Ms Judd Its Richie. The one rule is to have school twice a week. Because school is very important and you should study. So each week is you go to school and another week you can do what ever you want. What rule would you make that everyone has to follow? Blog ya later. Bye

  8. Kia ora Richie, what an interesting idea. That way you could balance your work and spending time with your family and friends. What other things would you do when you weren't at school? blog you later, Megan : )


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