Friday, 29 May 2020

Chapter Chat Ponder #2


  1. Hi my name is Neena. I am in room 24. I think Jeff lied to Carla that he hit Bradley to make it sound like they are so not friends anymore. And that he doesn't need Bradley to be his friend because he has 8 friends who are nicer to him.
    Blog you later

  2. Hello room 7 my name is Madalin and I am from room 24 I think that he lied about hitting Bradley because everyone else said he did it so maybe he didn't want to be different. What do you think?

  3. Talofa Lava my name is Melnina. I am in room 25 I think Jeff lied to Carla that he hit bradley because he already has 8 friends.
    Blog you later

  4. Kia ora. Room 7 thinks that the reason Jeff lied to Carla about who hit Bradley was that he would lose his fame for being strong, people will think that he is a fraud for saying it was he who beat up Bradley when it was Melinda, and he might lose is new friends who invited him to play basketball. If he lost his new friends, Jeff might want Bradley back as a friend but Bradley might not want him back.

  5. Hi Room 7 I think that he lied to Carla about Bradley because he was scared that Carla might tell someone and the news could get out then his 8 friends might not be so friendly.
    Blog You Later!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Room 7 my name is Jake I am in Room 8. I think the reason is because Jeff didn't want to be friends with Bradley anymore and so he pretended he punched him and he didn't want to put to much shame on Bradley.
    Blog you later Jake.

  8. Talofa lava Room Seven, my name is Isaac I am in Room 8. I think Jeff lied because he was geting a lot of attention from it and friends so he said it is him. Blog you later

  9. Hi my name is Keisomani and I am in Room 23. I think Bradley lied to Carla because Jeff tried to make it sound like they aren't friends anymore because Jeff is tired of listening to Bradley's instruction and Jeff has other friends that are nicer to him.

    Blog you later.

  10. My name is Mehmet and I'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. The reason why Jeff probably didn't want the girl's to be in trouble because he told Bradley to not hit any girl in the world because that is really bad to do and so he would be on the girl's side for that amount of time.

    Check out my blog:

    Blog you later.

  11. Hi Room 7. My name is Palak and I am in Room 23. I think jeff lied to Carla about who hit Bradley because he did not want the girls to be in trouble and that he liked the girls, also it would be all his fault if he told Carla the truth so he lied.

  12. Talofa lava Room 7. My name is Alofa from Room 23. The reason why Bradley lied to Carla about who hit him was because people wouldn't think that he is scary and that he would be embarrassed because he got punched by a girl and that he was crying. Why do you think he lied?
    Blog you later!

    1. Talofa Alofa, I think people do things for lots of reasons. It does seem like Bradley was embarrassed about being hit by a girl. I also think he didn't want his family to find out that he was the one who started the fight. There are so many great ideas in the comments about why Jeff lied to Carla about hitting Bradley. Will you check them out? bye : )

  13. Talofa, my name is Fahtima and I am in Room 23 and I think that if Jeff tells Carla how hit Jeff then Bradley might not like that and he might not be his friend anymore thanks for sharing your blog. Blog you later.

  14. Talofa Lava Ms Judd, my name is Helen and I'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. I think that Jeff lied to Carla because he didn't want anyone to know what happened to him what the day before.

    Blog you later,
    by Helen.

  15. Ni Hao Room 7. My name is Asfan from Room 23. I think he lied because he didn't want anyone to get in a big trouble like a punishment or something, I think this is the reason why he lied to Carla Davis.
    Blog you later,

  16. Talofa lava loΚ»u igoa o Hamiora and I'm in Room 23. I think the reason is because Jeff didn't want to be friends with Bradley anymore and so he pretended he punched him and he didn't want to put to much shame on Bradley. blog you later byeπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    Blog you later

  17. Talofa lava Room 7,My Name is Angela from Room 23, I think Jeff lied to Carla so that no one get in danger.
    blog you later.

  18. Talofa lava room 7 my name is Damien and I am from Room 23, I think Jeff lied to Carla about who hit Bradley because he did not want the girls to get in trouble and that he liked the girls, also it would be all his fault if he told Carla the truth then he lied.

    blog you later.

  19. Talofa lava Megan and rm 7 our names are Rutva, Arlo, Tamati and Rory from room 6...
    We think that Jeff lied to Carla because he wanted to feel like he fits in- with the kids that play basketball.
    What do you think? Why?
    Adios amigos

    1. Hi Rutva, Arlo, Tamati and Rory, I think you have made a really good point. Jeff seems to want to fit in with his new friends and maybe he thinks this is the best way to do it. Do you think he has made a good choice? bye : )

  20. Talofa Room 7
    I am John from Room23 I thinlc that Jeff did not want Bradley to be in anymore trouble.

    Blog you later.


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