Friday, 22 May 2020

Chapter Chat Ponder#1


  1. Hi we are Room 7, We think Bradly always says things like this because he thinks they won't ring and check. He's trying to act tough so people won't challenge him and his stories. Bradley uses bits of truth to make his lies more believable. He uses his family's trust to dodge tough questions. We wonder if he is going to learn that this isn't a great idea? byeπŸ‘Room 7

  2. hello my name is Ebad I think Bradley is using excuses to dodge his parents questions. Also Bradley uses some truth to make his lies more believable. Bye πŸ˜πŸ‘

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  4. Hi Room 7. We think that Bradley always says things like 'call ... if you don't believe me' because he thinks that they won't bother to check if his lie is true or false. We also think that he is trying to convince them that his lie is true. What would you do if Bradley said 'Call ... if you don't believe me?'

  5. Kia ora, Room 7. Room 25 think that if he says "Call my teacher if you don't believe me", then they are more likely to believe him and not ask his teacher whether it is true or not.

  6. Kia orana my name is Christian from Room 7 Owairaka Distric School, I think Bradley Chalkers is trying to make all of his truth and lies and then he puts 60% of truth on his words to make his lies to be everything that he want,or when someone tells the teacher on him. Bradley will change his look, change his T-shirt around, put his own voice low pitch and then he is gonna say "Hey I know where's Bradley Chalkers". The teacher will reply "Where is he because He's not a good boy". He reply "He ran away to his house" Then they ran. WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? GOOD BYE PEACE OUT!!!! : )

  7. Kia ora Room 6. We agree with you that Bradley uses these excuses because nobody has ever called to check that he is telling the truth. We also think that because he is using half truth it is hard to tell when he is actually lying. We think that his Mum needs to be tougher and when he uses these excuses to actually call and ask, with Bradley next to the phone. That is one way he will learn that his lies don't work. Blog you later, from Room 8.

  8. Kia Ora Room 7. We think that no one will call or ask the teacher because they believe that he was telling the truth even though he is not.

  9. Kia ora Room 7. Room 6 thinks he says things like that because he knows they are not going to call but he acts confident, the parents think he wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, if he told the truth he would get in trouble so he is telling a white lie to not get in trouble, he thinks they won't call but if they do then the person may not know the answer. We think they should call the person to call his bluff. They could even 'fake call' to get him to own up.

  10. Talofa Lava. my name is Ismacil from Room 23. I think that he tries to get away from trouble. What do you think. Blog you later


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