Thursday 20 May 2021

Novel Ponder 4



  1. Kia Ora Ms Judd
    It's me Justus,
    I think when a disaster happens you need to have a First aid kit water and something that you can eat and also go up to high ground like if you were running from a tsunami.

  2. Hi Miss Judd.
    I think that you could prepare for a disaster by: putting slippers/shoes by your bed, keep a Med kit with you, batteries and a radio, food and water and a mask just in case a dust cloud comes.
    So that is what I think.
    What would you do?

    Blog Ya LATER!

  3. Hello
    I think that you should have a list of things you need and have some stuff in a bag?
    What do you think you need?
    Rose room 7

  4. Hello Ms Judd, Teddy here. I think it's good to have a plan or have a first aid kit near by. There's also more stuff to have like food and a drink, it might also be good to have a radio.
    What would you do?
    Blog you later!

  5. Hello Megan!
    I think that emergencies are very dangerous. If you want to be safe you are not going to get hurt or anything. So you should have a first aid kit in your house so if someone gets hurt then you can get the first aid kit out. You should also have a lot of food or water. Because sometimes you can not get water from the taps. You should just buy some from the store and food too. What would you want to get? Blog you later!

  6. Hi ms Judd I think you should always have a first aid kit because if a disaster happens there is always a rush so you might fall over and hurt yourself. You also need batteries and a battery powered radio. So you can get information.
    Blog you later

  7. kia ora Tasman here i think some things people could do to prepare is take is a radio a lot of water and food as well as a aid kit and a puppy or cat or something to keep you company or a mask just in case there was ash thats all bye

  8. Kia ora Ms Judd J'varn here from your blog. I would pack for a disaster some cloths,lots of water of food, sleeping bag and some pillows,first aid kit. It would be a good idea to get a radio and a tent it would be a good idea to have toilet paper as well.
    Blog you later
    What would you pack?

  9. Hello Ms Judd, Wilbur here. I think you could prepare for an earthquake by having some food or water or a radio and a first aid kit. Have you ever been in a disaster? Blog u later!!!

  10. Hi Ms Judd.
    I think that the most important things you need to pack are:
    1. Radio Windup OR battery powered (and spare batteries if needed.)
    2. A few snacks like popcorn or muesli bars. Things that you don't need to keep refrigerated.
    3. Some masks incase it was a volcano.
    Those are the things that I will pack when there was an emergency or natural disaster.
    Question: What would you bring?

  11. Kia Ora Ms Judd Jed here,I think people should have some water about 2 gigantic bottles full of it and they should fill up a basement with food and water and a radio and some batteries and then when the earthquake comes they can run into the basement and be safe.
    Then after the earthquake leaves they can come out that is what I think people should do if an earthquake comes blog ya later.

  12. Hi Ms Judd it's Kapiri,
    You could have a plan or a discussion about what would happen in a disaster. You can have a bag around that has food a mask, water, a radio, batteries and a first aid kit.
    What would you bring to a disaster?

  13. Hi Megan.
    I think that you should definitly have a first aid kit incase something gets broken and you cut your feet or you fall and hurt your ankle.
    Also you should have a radio that does not need to be plugged in because the power might go out, you might also need a torch and you need lots of batteries in case the torch or radio runs out of batteries.
    You also need lots of bottles of water and food just in case there is no freash water to drink.
    Have you ever been in a emergancy that you need these things?
    Bye blog you later🐢🐯🐴Amy🐴🐯🐢

  14. hi room 7 In a emergency you will need. a radio food and water and batteries. Goodbye

  15. Kia Ora Room 7,

    I think you need a first aid kit, food/water. Also, have some batteries and a radio to know whats going on.

    What would you bring in a disaster?

    Blog ya later,
    Lila :)

  16. Gidday room 7 I would bring a first aid kit and a radio
    and batteries,food and water campervan and plastic cutlery because everything that is glass can break and a lot of petrol.
    Blog you later

  17. KIA Ora RM 7 Zejm here. I think that you should have a first aid kit near by and have food and water in it. and also have a meeting place where you can meet and do a head count just in case someone is stuck in the house. and when you want water from the tap you need to boil it because bugs and bits germs might be in it. and also you would need a torch so when the power isn't working you can just flash the light. what kind of things do you need for an earthquake. bye :}

  18. Kia ora Mrs Judd its Richie. You should bring something safe with you. Like a first aid kit,food,and a security cameras in case robbers come. What would you do if there was a disaster. Blog ya later. Bye

  19. Hi Megan,
    Samantha here.
    I think that in an emergency you need to be more prepared than you think!
    You will need not only first aid kits, food and water but you will also need a blanket cause in a big emergency safe houses may run out of supplies! You should also train to be fit so when you escape you can run uphill easily without needing a car and pack batteries, 3 torches and more than one radio (so if one breaks you still have a news source) in a bag next to the front door and one next to the back (Some times the front exit to a house can get blocked in a disaster).
    What do you think?

  20. Hi Megan . when a emergency happened you to to be safe take food and water and a radio so that people phone are working and if people use it power will go out so if there is an earthquake go in you car an drive-away and listen to the radio for information. by

  21. I am Seuga and can I bring my bag with all the stuff with me.


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