Tuesday 4 August 2020

Cybersmart Ponder #2


  1. Kia orana Ms Judd,
    I think that you can hold your chrome book with 2 hands with your thumbs on top, you should also tap the keys gently, have your device on a hard flat surface.
    What do you think you should do for the Kawa of care?
    Blog you later,

    1. Hi Lila,
      I agree, tapping lightly on the keyboard will help your Chromebook last longer : ) bye

  2. Hi Room 7,
    Ted here from Room 7.
    I think you can show Kawa of Care by holding your Chromebook carefully, closing the lid slowly and not slamming it closed.
    Please check out my blog
    Insert text
    Blog ya later

    1. Hi Ted, great ideas. I also think you have to remember eating and drinking are activities you should do AWAY from your Chromebook. bye : )

  3. Hi Matilda here.
    I try and use the Kawa of Care by:
    1. Closing the lid softly.
    2. Putting it on a hard surface like a table.
    3. Not hitting the keys really hard.
    4. Carrying it with two hands and your thumbs on the top.
    5. Not eating or drinking over your device.
    How do you use the Kawa of care?
    Bye, Matilda🐼

    1. Great list Matilda! I agree wholeheartedly. bye : )

  4. Hi Rm 7 it's William, some ways you can show Kawa of Care is by holding it with two hands and your thumbs up. Or typing lightly and carefully with your keys. Something you shouldn't do is eating or drinking anything close to your chromebook. Can you think of any other ideas? Here is the link to my blog. Blog you later!

    1. Hi William, Yes I agree, having your thumbs on top and your fingers beneath your Chromebook gives you the best control when you are carrying it. Do you think you could have added a link to your Kawa of Care blog post? bye : )

  5. kia orna! It´s me Rose!
    I think how we can show ¨kawa of care¨ you can,
    Close your lid softly. I think why you should close your lid softly is because if you slam it hard you can break the screen. I think you should hold your Chromebook with two hands because you can drop it and it can break. Also if you are using a school Chromebook you might have to pay a lot of money. I think you should not eat or drink near your Chromebook because your drink can get on your Chromebook and it can break. And lastly, you should not eat near your Chromebook because your food can get inside the letters and it will be hard to type.
    Blog you later!

    1. Hi Rose, Your list is fantastic! I think having your thumbs on top and your fingers beneath your Chromebook gives you the best control when you are carrying it. Do you think it will be easy to keep your Chromebook safe by remembering the Kawa of Care steps? bye : )

  6. Kia orana it is Amy from Rm 7.
    This is somthing you can do to show the Kawa of Care. You can close the lid of your chromebook/computer carefully so it does not damege the screen of your chromebook/computer. Also you can not hit the keys to hard. Because they might break. Is there anything else you can think of?
    Bye blog you later!!! 😝

    1. Hi Amy, I think having your thumbs on top and your fingers beneath your Chromebook gives you the best control when you are carrying it. Do you think you could have added a link in your reply to your Kawa of Care blog post? bye : )

  7. Hi Ms Judd it is Mikayla from room 7.
    This is what I think Kawa of Care is.
    Taking care of your Chromebook like walking with it with two hands and not pressing the key bored too hard,try not to drop it,use it on a table, and that is all I can think of.

  8. Hi my name is Teddy and I'm from Rm 7.
    Kawa of Care is when you hold your Chromebook with 2 hands. You also keep it on a hard surface and you don't leave it on the floor or eat or drink next to it. Don't hit your keys too hard either.
    Bye blog you later

  9. Hi my name is Daerue. I think to show the Kave Of Care to put
    two �� on your chromebook.
    Bye now hope you make some.

  10. Hi Myiah here.
    I think that you use the Kawa of care by:
    1. Closing the lid softly.
    2. Putting it on a hard flat surface.
    3. Not eating or drinking it over it.
    4. Carrying it with two hands.
    Bye, Myiah.

    1. Hi Myiah, Your list is fantastic! I think having your thumbs on top and your fingers beneath your Chromebook gives you the best control when you are carrying it. Do you think it will be easy to keep your Chromebook safe by remembering the Kawa of Care steps? bye : )

  11. Kia Ora my name is Ebad the way you can show the Kawa of Care is by caring for your belongings and school Chromebooks. Like holding your Chromebook proply and not to eat by your chromebook. Also do NOT drink by your Chromebook and don't leave tabs open because your battery will be drained that is all I can think of good bye.πŸ˜πŸ‘:-D

  12. Kia orana Ms.Judd,
    I think you can show the Kawa of Care by doing what I think is the most important thing:
    You can shut the Chromebook with 2 fingers on each side and make sure the sound it makes is at the minimum.
    Some good ideas
    That is the link to some other things you can do to be confident with the Kawa of Care.
    Bye, Franny

  13. Hi my name is Wilbur and I am in room 7, I think you can show the Kawa of Care by closing your lid softly because if you slam your lid down it might crack your screen. You could also show Kawa of Care by keeping your computer on a hard surface because if it is on a soft surface it might wobble and fall on to the floor. Don't eat or drink near your computer because it might spill or fall all through your keys and then the keys might not type. Finally, carry your computer with two hands because it might drop and smash.
    Do you always show Kawa of Care?
    BYE πŸ‘‹

  14. Kia orana my name is Levi from room7. Not eat or drinking on chromebooks and hold the chromebook carefully with two hands. have you held your chromebook with two hands? bye

  15. Hi my name is Ethan. This is how you show Kawa of Care. Hold your Chrome Books with your thumbs on the top of it. Never ever drink or eat close to your Chrome Books. Can you think of any other ways you can show Kawa of Care? Blog you later.

  16. kia Orana my name is Carlos in room 7. Show kawa of care by holding with two hands and
    DONT EAT WITH YOUR CHROMEBOOK !!!!!!! and never eat on furniture. bye 😜

  17. Hi I'm Byesion and I have been asked to explain what the Kawa of Care is (again). So the Kawa of Care is essentially an explanation of how to properly take care of your/school chromebooks. Such as carrying your chromebooks as neatly as you can. Or when you are putting it away e.g keeping your bag up when your chromebook is in it. These simple things to take care of your chromebook are crucial to making it last. Speaking of making it last, you don't want a missing key do you? I hope you don't because those keys won't last if your slamming them all the time. You don't have to kamehameha the keys now don't you. The same for your screen don't try to one punch man the screen down that will just break the screen! Please don't break your chromebook BYE!
    my blog My blog

    featured blog Carlos's blog

  18. Hi my name is Christian
    You should type so soft so it does not break the keyboard. Make sure when you close your lid. Don't slam it. Bye.

  19. Hello Megan! Niamh here! I KNOW what the Kawa of Care is, and i'm going to tell you. So, the Kawa of Care is when you take care of your Chromebook, e.g: do not SLAM the keys, or eat and drink over it, close the lid when you walk with it.
    what do you think the Kawa of Care is?
    Blog you later!


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