Tuesday 25 August 2020

Zones of Regulation Ponder#4


  1. Talofa lava Matilda here.
    Some advice I would give anyone in the red zone is:
    1. Take deep breaths and lay down.
    2. Talk to someone about the problem.
    3. Have a hot drink (it always helps especially hot chocolate.)
    How would you help someone in the red zone?
    Bye, Matilda

  2. Hello my name Wilbur and I think you can...
    1. Tell some jokes to the person in the red zone,
    2. You can talk about why they are in the red zone,
    3. you can lye down.
    What do you do when someone is in the red zone?

  3. Hi Megan,
    I think that the thing to do when you're in the red zone is take deep breaths. If it gets too out of control, go into your room and read or listen to music before it getting so out of control that you hurt yourself or others.
    Bye, Franny

  4. Hi Megan,I think if I was in the red zone I would lie down and wait until I calm down and maybe take some deep breaths like Franny said.
    Blog you later!


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