Thursday 27 August 2020

Fractal Broccoli

I've made a slideshow about my garden and an amazing mathematical connection.

What could you make a slideshow about? 

Remember if you want to embed a slideshow in a blog post there is a guide on our class site.  

Click on the link and scroll down to the button labelled Embed Google slides onto your blog


  1. Hello my name is Wilbur and I think I might do a slide show full of quizzes.
    What do you think I could do a slide about?

  2. Hello Megan!🐾😜
    I have a lot of plants at home too. Your garden looks really good. My dad loves fish and gardens so we have a really big and cool garden just like yours. We have a gate for my dog so it can not get out. My dad said that the gate does not look to good so he wanted to make a big plant there πŸ˜†
    Blog you later!


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