Sunday 13 June 2021

Fresh & Smooth Full School Production is nearly here.....

 The whole school has been working hard on our Fresh & Smooth production.  Room 7 is really excited to share their performance with you.  

Here are some pictures of our first Dress Rehearsal.  

Can you guess what sea creatures Room 7 are pretending to be?

We hope you have your tickets for the performances this week.  We are looking forward to seeing you there!


  1. Kia Ora Ms Judd
    It's me Justus,
    I like your photos and I like the lighting that it's not too bright or dark.
    Whats your favourite part of the production?

  2. Hello Mrs Judd Its Richie. We all ready know we are were krill. And we in the ocean with fresh it was so fun. But my favorite part of the show was the song. What was you favorite part of the show? blog ya later. Bye

    1. Kia ora Richie, I like the song too. I think you all look really mean when you are dancing to our song. Do you like our costumes? bye, Megan

  3. Kia Ora Ms Judd Jed here,I am from RM 7 so I know what we are but I wont say because then people not from RM 7 will know what we are.

    Sincerely Jed.

  4. Hi Harry here, I like the photo with me in the most and it looks the class did a good job blog ya later.

  5. Hi Ms Judd
    I really like how the whales turned out they look REALLY good.
    Do you know any other whales that eat krill?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Ms Judd it's Kapiri,
    I know that we're all krill but I'm very exited, I like our class photo because we look like a gang.
    What class do you like in the production?

  8. hello
    I won't say but I hope you can ges?
    Rose room 7

  9. Hi Megan!
    It is really fun to do the production and I am so exitied.
    In the production we are doing tonight my Mum, Dad and sister will be there.
    Also my friend Mikaylas family will be there too!
    I am so glad we got the part of the krill I would not want another scene to do.
    What scene do you like?
    BYE blog you later🐶🐱🐯🐴Amy🐴🐯🐱🐶

  10. Hello Megan!!!
    The fresh and smooth play was very fun. I can not wait to go on stage one more time tonight. I am so exited for it!! I can not wait. My mum & dad will be there too! Even better!!
    I am happy we got the part to be the krill we are like gangsters!!
    What is your favorite scene of the play??? Blog you later!!!


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